Self-Portrait of the City


IMAGE CREDIT: @dayotwanni


Memories of these streets

Linger like tattoos,

Running deep beneath the skin,

Replicating in paths of blood

Otherwise known as veins.


Memories of the city like drizzling ink

squirted profusely on a wallpaper that displays more

Than just rickety boulevards,

More than queues of buses

Engaged in the traffic Marathon,

More than painted mannequins in motion

Dolled up in the latest craze.


Lagos is the selfie of a mega-paraphernalia

With a soul trapped, lost

In a maze of rotten trysts

Captioned as the bustling civilization.


Sprawling within, is a horde of entrails

From a giant carcass

Oozing persistent perspiration cologne,

Overlapping against one another,

In a race where Misery loves company

And success mocks contemporaries.


Memories of the city tease like teething:

For every dental jewel,

A febrile contest is required.

For every shoulder squeezed,

Every lap stretched,

A new biceps is born.


About Author

Oluwaloni Olowookere is an artist, armed only with a pen and a twisted motive. P.S; A previous version of Self-Portrait of The City appeared in Graffiti, a self-published poetry collection.

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